What is the MIM Programme?
The Managing International Mobility qualification (MIM) starts with four fixed syllabus modules. Now Online and Open and free to access for EuRA Members More...

The EuRApean - Winter Edition
The next edition of the EuRApean will be online in December. There is still time to submit your contributions! Read the last edition

The EuRA YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel features up to date interviews with members all over the world as well as many filmed sessions from past EuRA Conferences - dive in a take a look!

EuRA's Guide to GDPR by Gordon Kerr - EuRA's Strategic Consultant for Legal Services
Gordon Kerr has written a comprehensive guide for EuRA Members to explain the main practical implications of the GDPR.

EuRA's Guide to Legal Compliance
Gordon Kerr, EuRA's Strategic Consultant for Legal Services, has written a comprehensive guide for EuRA Members to stay compliant with the law when operating.
This guide is free for all EuRA Members.

MIM+ "Coaching Approaches in Mobility" Programme A Online Now!
We have revised, updated and renamed the EuRA / Oxford Brookes Relocation Coaching programme, which is now "Coaching Approaches to Mobility - CAM" and....
It is now online, for free on the EuRA Academy!

How to Publish with EuRA
The new EuRA website allows members to share their most important business insights on our home page and articles newsfeed. If you would like to publish an article with EuRA - which may then be featured on our home page as well as in our overview of articles - then please read on here.

How to Manage your Profile
Logging in to the EuRA site allows you to manage your personal profile, book conference tickets and follow our online training sessions. It’s easy managing your profile and company listing. Please click 'read more' to access our detailed 'how to manage your profile' manual for EuRA members.